Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

WEDANG JAHE 9 - 生姜茶 - Ginger Tea

WEDANG JAHE 9 - 生姜茶 - Ginger Tea

生姜茶 (Shēngjiāng chá) - 生薑茶 (Shēngjiāng chá) - 생강차 (Saeng-gangcha) - 生姜湯 (Shōgayu) - Salabat


Bahan :
2 sdm     Kopi bubuk
100 g      Jahe (dibakar, dikupas, memarkan)
150 g      Gula merah (sisir halus)
1 Liter    Air mendidih
Cara Membuat :
  1. Seduh kopi bubuk dengan air mendidih, diamkan selama 15 menit, kemudian disaring
  2. Rebus lagi kopi dan jahe sampai harum
  3. Tambakan gula merah. Aduk sampai gula larut. Sajikan dalam keadaan hangat


Teh Susu Aroma Jahe

Bahan :
100 ml air
200 ml susu segar/tawar cair
2 cm jahe, memarkan
1 kantung teh
2 sdm madu
2 buah cengkih
Cara membuat :

  • Rebus air bersama susu dan jahe hingga mendidih, angkat.
  • Celupkan teh dan tambahkan madu. Biarkan larut.
  • Sisihkan teh, hidangkan hangat, atau tambahkan es batu atau es krim vanilla utk variasi segar.


Agua Loja

Drink Type: Non-Alcoholic - A



Boil the ginger, the cinnamon and the water for 15 minutes then strain and let cool. When cool, mix in a punch bowl with the molasses until well blended. Chill before serving.


A thick, brown, uncrystallized bitter syrup obtained from sugar during refining.

Molasses is a viscous by-product of the processing of sugar cane, grapes or sugar beets into sugar. The word molasses comes from the Portuguese word melaço, which ultimately comes from mel, the Latin word for "honey".[1] The quality of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane or sugar beet, the amount of sugar extracted, and the method of extraction. Sweet sorghum syrup is known in some parts of the United States as molasses, though it is not true molasses.

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